Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Painting is so fun..under the sun!

It was a very hot day out today. Garland had a full day of school and therapy today, so I wanted her to have some messy time fun.
She really is progressing well with her sensory integration, she is starting to touch and feel more things, and actually enjoying it.
This time last year we could barely get her to even look at certain things. I am so proud of my little lady love.

Mixing a cake with "sprinkles"

 Time to paint

Painting the side of house

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Flowers and bubbles, oh my...

I was going to throw out some flowers that we  had on my dining table, when I thought, hmmm I should pick these and let Garland bathe with them.

So, that's what we did this evening for bath time!

Garland really enjoyed herself, as you can see by her expression in the photos.

For the love of water...

Garland LOVES playing with water. Our backyard still needs a lot of work to be kid friendly, so I put together a little water play area on the side of our house.

It really has worked out well and she really enjoys our time out there...

  • Even the dog loves it out there:)